We introduce you into the mesmerizing and intricate realm of LUCA MR, a young artist whose essence embodies a symphony of contradictions and an infinite palette of creativity. Born under the Italian sky in Milan on a day graced by the promise of spring, LUCA MR‘s artistic odyssey unfolds like a celestial love story, blending passion and rebellion, light and shadow in a seamless tapestry.

From his earliest encounters with colorful palettes, LUCA MR‘s artistic spirit stirred within him, beckoning him to converse with hues and textures that whispered enigmatic truths understood only by the heart. Nurtured by his family’s wanderlust, his childhood explorations gave him a kaleidoscopic perspective of the world, colored by the vibrant tapestries of distant lands and diverse cultures.

During his formative years in London, the vibrant chords of rock music provided an outlet for LUCA MR’s soul, weaving narratives of love, longing, and aspirations. In the bustling thoroughfares of the United States, he uncovered the raw allure of street art, where each stroke and graffiti narrated tales of defiance and liberation.

Guided by the muses of creativity, LUCA MR traced his path back to Italy, immersing himself in the venerable halls of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, refining his skills and igniting the flames of his artistic vision. His paintings, sculptures, writings, and music resonated with the chaotic symphony of adolescence—a crescendo of feelings, a choreography of light and shade, an ode to the fleeting beauty of youth. With delicate brushwork and evocative lines adorning his canvases, LUCA MR captures the essence of romance—a poetic dalliance between innocence and experience, between dreams and reality. His art converses in the language of the heart, murmuring tales of sensuality, nostalgia, and the eternal interplay of masculinity and femininity.

Embarking on uncharted territories, LUCA MR unfurled his artistic wings, venturing into graphic novels, digital art, and NFTs with a boldness mirroring the pounding rhythm of a lovestruck heart. Through collaborations with art luminaries, his creations breathed life into novel mediums, blurring the boundaries between reality and fantasy.

As the moon casts its embrace over the nocturnal sky and stars twinkle with enigmatic secrets, this narrative unfolds with an intimate dialogue with LUCA MR, offering a peek into the depths of his soul, the whispers of his muse, and the eternal romance coursing through his veins. Join us on a voyage through the poetic landscapes of LUCA MR’s artistry, where love, art, and ardor converge in a timeless dance as ancient as human existence itself.


LUCA MR’s artistic journey seems to be deeply intertwined with personal experiences and emotions, as reflected in his description of his work as “a white flower stained with blood… my blood”. Can you elaborate on how his personal life and emotions influence his art through various mediums?

I think all artists draw from their memory and emotions when approaching a new work. In my case, I started as a teenager to do my first exhibitions and I must say that I always took from what was happening around me, I tried to bring all the emotions I was experiencing onto canvas, and it is the same today, after ten years I still feel like “a white flower stained with blood… my blood”

From painting to sculpture, from writing to music, LUCA MR appears to be a versatile artist who challenges traditional boundaries and genres. How do you perceive his ability to seamlessly switch between different art forms and what impact does this multidisciplinary approach have on his creative expression?

I am not a person who can be pigeonholed into a role, let alone as an artist… I love experimenting and collaborating. From painting and its different techniques I moved on to sculpture creating sculptures in marble, onyx, bronze… I would like to work on Shodo 書道 k’art of Japanese calligraphy, very fascinating.

Music like cinema feeds my universe… I couldn’t not make music and I couldn’t work without listening to music during my creative process, I went from classical music to gospel, from old songs to rock.

The theme of adolescence, with its complexities and nuances, seems to be a central focus in LUCA MR’s work. How does he capture the essence of this transitional phase of life in his art and what unique perspective does he bring to the exploration of themes such as sexuality, identity and nostalgia?

We can say that the themes and characters I paint or sculpt have grown with me. From the story of the first disturbances to the discovery of sexuality, the masculine and the feminine, sometimes androgynous other times more domineering. It is always a story in progress. As for the nostalgia that you can feel in my paintings, it will be for that retro air and the choice of colors… but I must say that I myself love old black and white films, music from the 50s and 60s and when I see certain old images I find them charming and innocuous. I imagine how, perhaps, once upon a time human relationships were more immediate and simple. I don’t like this overly exposed period, where social media reigns and it seems that without followers you don’t exist.

With a distinctive style that blends illustration with cultured painting, LUCA MR has been praised for his ability to create sensual and evocative images. How does he manage to find a balance between the naive and the disturbing in his representation of subjects such as beardless young men, lolitas and romantic landscapes?

Well, a lot of it comes from what I’ve read, from the amount of cinema I’ve seen, from the music that has accompanied me, from my references that go from Arthur Rimbaud to Nirvana, from manga to Tim Burton, from Mario Schifano to James Dean, from Claude Monet to Winona Ryder, from Egon Schiele to Benedetta Barzini, from Marilyn Monroe to Sofia Coppola.

LUCA MR’s collaboration with Maison Cartier and his foray into NFT art mark significant milestones in his career. How do these collaborations and initiatives reflect his evolution as an artist and what do they mean in terms of adopting new technologies and platforms for artistic expression?

They were two lucky encounters in my life, no more important than others… if I have to remember a really cool one, I think of when I exhibited at the University and gallery of Hong Kong, before me the only Italian who had exhibited was Modigliani… I still don’t believe it!

As for my first NFT, there was perhaps more curiosity in approaching digital art. It is important to always keep up, especially in contemporary art… but what does contemporary art mean today? They say that my art is recognizable and this is important for an artist, for the rest I let myself be guided by emotions.

The graphic novel “POETIC MISEDUCATION” and the upcoming EP show LUCA MR’s storytelling skills not only visually but also through words and music. How do these narrative elements complement his visual work and what thematic connections do you see between his written and visual expressions?

When they asked me to create a graphic novel in installments for an international magazine it was like realizing a dream I had since I was a child. In addition to the story, a fictionalized autobiography, the peculiarity is that the characters are dressed in the clothes that you find in stores at that moment, a unique experiment in the world, a way to be contemporary and be able to collaborate with various fashion brands. In the music field, on the other hand, I am working with an important producer, my attitude as a punk singer merges with Italian and French songwriting … a nice mix!

While LUCA MR delves into digital art and NFTs, he explores innovative ways to show and distribute his creations. How do you see his adaptation to the digital realm and what potential do you see for artists like him to redefine the art market through technology and blockchain?

I just started working with digital art and luckily I did it with the best (Etan Genini and his Valuart), I would like to create something that always has a connection with art that you can <<touch>>. I think there was a big boom a few years ago where at a certain point it was no longer clear who was a real artist. Today only the good ones are left, fortunately.

The delicate mix of natural elements and human figures in LUCA MR’s works, as described by critic Luca Beatrice, paints a vivid picture of romanticism and gothic sensibility. How does LUCA MR achieve this fusion of themes and styles, and what emotions or narratives do you deduce from his ethereal compositions?

…Romanticism with a gothic sensibility… yes I find myself in it perhaps, as I said before, it comes from what I have experienced and the icons that have influenced me. I have recently been told that my work never lacks that sensual and ethereal inspiration… I am happy about that!

LUCA MR’s ongoing projects, including his novel about restless youth and his NFT creations, suggest a continuous exploration of new horizons and mediums. How do these efforts reflect his artistic growth and willingness to experiment with different forms of expression, and what do you anticipate for the future trajectory of his multidisciplinary art?

Combining words and drawing as I did in “Poetic Miseducation” was perhaps the first step for the book I am writing, I hope this <<story of restless youth>> can soon be read!

For the future who knows… I am open!

The concept of unconscious seduction and playful elements in LUCA MR’s art seems to invite viewers into a realm of intrigue and charm. How do you cultivate this sense of mystery and fascination in your works and what do you think attracts the public to your enigmatic and captivating creations?

There is no secret or hidden thought… when I start a new work I don’t do it thinking that it must have elements of seduction…everything happens naturally, I think of a story to tell, I get fascinated by it and then perhaps unconsciously it reflects on the viewer… I couldn’t explain it… the fascination is ultimately something inexplicable.


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